Hmmm where to begin? Ok la..about 2 months ago my parents came to Bangkok for cuti2. It was great seeing them, bawak dioarang jalan2 Bangkok including sightseeing, shopping and shopping AND shopping (that will be my wife and mak mertua die) and tasting Thai cuisine. I have to admit, all the travellings I had with my parents, I can say that they enjoy this trip the most even though it was only in Bangkok. It was brimming in their faces and I was glad that they enjoyed themselves.
First day, picked them up at the airport and went straight to Siam Paragorn. Then malam gi dinner at Hi Ma Li Cha Cha, which was a famous halal Indian restaurant, pricey but delicious. Considering my mum loves Indian food, it was a great treat for her and my dad as well.
Second day, we took them to the Jim Thompson place where its famous for their Thai silk. This guy Jim Thompson, an American, revitalized the Thai silk industry in the 60s and made it a profitable industry as it was today. This guy went missing in the 60's while jungle tracking in Cameron Highlands and he's body was never found..maybe its somewhere in the dense jungle within Cameron Highlands, well who knows..anyways we started of with breakfast and lunch with my wife cooked her delicious roast chicken. Then straight to Jim Thompson, spent most of our time there. The thing is with my wife and my mum, they could actually spend the whole day as they went 'kain crazy' with all the cheap Thai silks. Surprisingly my dad was into it as well, and didn't complain one bit. Maybe because my mum bought him cotton shirt to pacify him. Then we went home for dinner. Thai kebabs and Thai pulut durian, it was awesome especially the pulut durian. Orang Malaysia jangan marah, but I think Thai durians lagi manis and biji kecik. So puas gile makan and sedap!
Third day, more of SHOPPING. First thing we took some photos around our apartment then went straight to All Season on Wireless Road for some light shopping. My dad got a Lacoste shirt as a belated birthday present. Then pegi lagi to Jim Thompson but this time is at Surawong, kedai kali ni a bit exclusive compared to the previous Jim Thompson outlet and the prices were slightly higher. After dah puas shopping we all pegi lunch at Usman Restaurant at Sukhumvit 22. Another famous halal Thai restaurant in Bangkok as the food is authentic Thai and superbly delicious. Bile semua dah kenyang, we all balik rumah and chill.
Fourth day, finally some sightseeing. The thing is with my mum her legs are not strong as they use to be, so we took them to the common tourist spot, The Grand Palace and Wat(temple). Then we had dinner at an Italian restaurant and finish up with a movie 'The Last Airbender'. It was bit weird watching a 3D fantasy movie with parents but it was great fun nonetheless.
The next day my parents went home to Malaysia. Sedih la jugak but overall I was happy that they had a wonderful time over here and can't wait for their next visit. Tommorow, few of my wife's friends are coming over for a visit from Malaysia and I'm sure it's going to be a blast. Till then, salam..